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Marriage record of Carl Anthony Brooks and May Wurm
Marriage record of Carl Anthony Brooks and May Wurm
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Carl Delion and Bertha E. Meier
Marriage record of Carl Delion and Bertha E. Meier
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Carl Wurm and Annie Hahn
Marriage record of Carl Wurm and Annie Hahn
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Charles Findlay and Margaret Orth
Marriage record of Charles Findlay and Margaret Orth
Marriage record of Charles Gossman and Luella Wurm
Marriage record of Charles Gossman and Luella Wurm
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Charles H. Francey and Martha Mariah Hastings
Marriage record of Charles H. Francey and Martha Mariah Hastings
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Charles Harmel and Margaret Euler
Marriage record of Charles Harmel and Margaret Euler
Marriage record of Charles Keller and Emma Ploethner
Marriage record of Charles Keller and Emma Ploethner
Marriage record of Charles Treitz and Wilhelmina Gaiser
Marriage record of Charles Treitz and Wilhelmina Gaiser
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Charles Weber and Philipena Debus
Marriage record of Charles Weber and Philipena Debus
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Charles William Bender and Eliza May Hanna
Marriage record of Charles William Bender and Eliza May Hanna
Marriage record of Chester R. Stiles and Jennie M. Algeo
Marriage record of Chester R. Stiles and Jennie M. Algeo
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Christian Becker of Emilia Bitschy
Marriage record of Christian Becker of Emilia Bitschy
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Christian Finkbeiner and Magdalena Gaiser
Marriage record of Christian Finkbeiner and Magdalena Gaiser
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Clara Bloch and William Walper
Marriage record of Clara Bloch and William Walper
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Clara Wurm and George Ruttan
Marriage record of Clara Wurm and George Ruttan
Marriage record of Cliff Levey and Naomi Wurm
Marriage record of Cliff Levey and Naomi Wurm
Status: Located;
Marriage record of Conrad Fisher and Caroline Reihl
Marriage record of Conrad Fisher and Caroline Reihl
Status: Located; Witnesses to the wedding were Menno Holman and Dinah Gross, both of Wallace Township.
Marriage record of Conrad Kuhn and Elizabeth Sweitzer
Marriage record of Conrad Kuhn and Elizabeth Sweitzer
Marriage record of Daniel Hallman and Belle Carlaw
Marriage record of Daniel Hallman and Belle Carlaw
Status: Located;

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