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Kjetil Kristoffersson

Male 1777 - 1854  (~ 77 years)


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Baptism record of Kjetil Kristoffersson

The record is listed in the far left column of the page, the 11th entry down from the year 1777. It states that the baptism occurred on the same day (previous record above it reads March 31) Xstoffer Kjetilsson Kvisle eie`s child H.D.(likely meaning `heimdåp` or home baptismal), Kjetil. Next the Godparents (sponsors) are listed.

Kjetil Kristoffersson was born on the Kvisle farm, Sigdal parish, and was baptised on March 31, 1777, recorded in the Holmen church book, Sigdal parish. It does not list an illegitimate birth for him in this record, so he was most probably born between the dates of March 9, 1777 (when his parents got married) and the day he was baptized on March 31, 1777.

Also the next column to the right of Kjetil`s record and about 4 lines down it states: "The 20 April, Xstoffer Kjetilsson Kvile eie`s wife. (This record meaning that Kari Aslesdotter was "introduced" back into the Holmen congregation on April 20, 1777.

File namebaptismKristofferssonKjetil.jpg
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Dimensions1935 x 1481
Linked toKjetil Kristoffersson

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