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Death record of John Moore
Death record of John Moore
Death record of John Prang
Death record of John Prang
Status: Located;
Death record of John Schnell
Death record of John Schnell
Death record of John Smith
Death record of John Smith
Status: Located;
Death record of Jonas Becker
Death record of Jonas Becker
Status: Located;
Death record of Julius Bloch
Death record of Julius Bloch
Status: Located;
Death record of Julius Wurm
Death record of Julius Wurm
Status: Located;
Death record of Kari Aslesdotter
Death record of Kari Aslesdotter
On the left hand side of the page under the Holmen column, entry #12 under the year 1788, it states: The 1st of June (1788) buried (at Holmen churchyard, Sigdal parish) was Karen (the pastor used the Danish spelling of Kari) Aslesdotter Bjørndalen eie age 38 years.
Death record of Kari Kristoffersdotter
Death record of Kari Kristoffersdotter
The record states that Kari Kristoffersdotter, widow of Ola Toreson Tingelstadeie, died on December 24, 1860 and was buried on January 9, 1861 in the Nykirke church graveyard in Modum parish. Her age was 69 years and her residence was on the Tingelstad farm, but it states she died on Holo østre ("østre" meaning 'eastern' part of the Holo farm). Cause of death is not listed. Kari's oldest child, Tore Olson, was residing on Holo østre and it is assumed that Kari was at his home when she died.
Death record of Kjersti Klausdotter
Death record of Kjersti Klausdotter
Entry # 28 (lower section of second page) states that "Livøyre enkje" (pensioner`s widow) Kjersti Klausdotter died on June 30, 1902 and the funeral and burial were on July 8, 1902 in the Heggen church and graveyard, in Modum parish, Buskerud County. 1820 is given for her birth year and her birth place was in Sigdal parish. Her residence at the time of death was on the Holo farm. The reason for death was "alderdom" (old age). Also the last 2 columns asks "Was a doctor called during the deceased's final illness?" (the answer was no) and "Has the probate court (Sheriff) been notified of the death?" (was answered yes).
Death record of Kjetil Kristoffersson
Death record of Kjetil Kristoffersson
The death record for Kjetil Kristoffersson indicates that he died while living on the Daler farm. On the left page entry #138 states that Kjetil Kristoffersson "fattiglem" (pauper) died November 1, 1854 and was buried November 12, 1854 in the Bakke church graveyard, in Eiker parish, Buskerud County, Norway. His age at the time of death was 78 years and his residence was on the Daler farm, in Eiker parish.
Death record of Knut Pettersson
Death record of Knut Pettersson
Death record of Knut Pettersson (entry #32) states "gift gardmann" (married farmer) Knut Pettersson Holo died on July 9, 1885 and the funeral and burial were on July 17, 1885 in Heggen church and graveyard in Modum parish. 1847 is given for his birth year and his residence at the time of death was on the Holo farm. The cause of death was "tæring" (tuberculosis).
Also the last 2 columns it asks: "Was a doctor called during the deceased's final illness?" (the answer was yes) and "Has the probate court (Sheriff) been notified of the death?" (was answered yes). Under 'notes', in the last column, it appears to read "died at the state hospital".
Death record of Kristoffer Kjetilsson
Death record of Kristoffer Kjetilsson
Entry #35 at top of left hand page states that Kristoffer Kjetilsson Solum aged 6 years died of "blodgang" (dysentery) and was buried on the 22nd of August (in Sigdal parish). From this information we can assume that the death likely occurred in August of 1813 on the Solum farm, Sigdal parish.

By looking at the age of at the time of death, it appears that this Kristoffer is the second Kristoffer (born in March 1807). Information regarding the first Kristoffer born in 1806 is yet to be located. If the first Kristoffer died before the second Kristoffer was born, it may be possible that his death was not recorded, as this can happen, although rare.

The couple had another son in 1819, and named him also Kristoffer.
Death record of Kristoffer Kjetilsson Bjørndalen
Death record of Kristoffer Kjetilsson Bjørndalen
Page 210 at the left and entry #4 it states Kristoffer Kjetilsson Bjørndalseie died January 7, 1823 and was buried January 12, 1823 in Sigdal parish. His status or occupation was a “husmann” (tenant farmer or crofter)and he was 72 years of age.
Death record of Lars Kjetilsson
Death record of Lars Kjetilsson
Lars died in 1804 on the Bjørndalen farm. In the far left column under Holmen, #44 the record states: November 18 (1804) buried (at Holmen church, Sigdal parish) "legdslem"(welfare recipient) Lars Kjetilsson Bjørndals"eie", age 45 years.
Death record of Lela Wurm
Death record of Lela Wurm
Status: Located;
Death record of Louis Feidler
Death record of Louis Feidler
Death record of Louisa Mary Ann Scharman
Death record of Louisa Mary Ann Scharman
Death record of Louisa Rupp
Death record of Louisa Rupp
Status: Located;
Death record of Lucy EBY
Death record of Lucy EBY
Status: Located;

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