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Eva Winter
Eva Winter
Status: Located;
Eva Winter and son Gordon Hastings
Eva Winter and son Gordon Hastings
Status: Located;
Evelyn Bremner
Evelyn Bremner
Status: Located;
Owner of original:
Evelyn Quickfall
Evelyn Quickfall
Status: Located;
Owner of original:
Evelyn Quickfall
Evelyn Quickfall
Status: Located;
Owner of original:
Everett Baker
Everett Baker
Excerpt from Howick Township History
Excerpt from Howick Township History
In this excerpt from the Howick Township History, the photo from about 1884 shows Heinrich and Elizabeth (Dietrich) Reidt with one of their daughters standing in front of their home at Lot 27, Conc 13, Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario. Some of their children's names (Sheldon and Buelah) are incorrect in the write-up as the article inadvertently included the children of Charles and Catherine (Reidt) Kopas as children of Heinrich and Elizabeth Reidt.
F. W. Holman, Telegrapher
F. W. Holman, Telegrapher
Status: Located; MR. F. W. HOLMAN.

The son of Mr. F. J. Holman, of this city, Mr. Holman learned telegraph operating here. He is now at the head office of the G. T. R., Montreal. He served six years with the Royal Scots there, being Colonel's bugler.
F.C. Wilkinson
F.C. Wilkinson
Status: Located; Signature as it appears in a note book. Written prior to 1925.
Owner of original:
Family at 30 Francis Street North, Kitchener, Ontario
Family at 30 Francis Street North, Kitchener, Ontario
Status: Located; Back row left to right are Frederick Joseph Holman, Frederick William Holman, and Louisa Geiger. Front row are daughters of Frederick William Holman and Dora Bowman. Dora is absent in the photo. Photo taken on the front lawn of 30 Francis Street North in Kitchener, Ontario. The photo is double exposed so there are two pictures in one.
Owner of original:
Family of Ada Brillinger and Johnny Tucker
Family of Ada Brillinger and Johnny Tucker
Status: Located;
Owner of original:
Family of Adam Hastings and Alice McDowell, Rouleau, Saskatchewan 1906
Family of Adam Hastings and Alice McDowell, Rouleau, Saskatchewan 1906
Status: Located; Standing: Adam Hastings & Wife Alice (McDowell) Hastings
Left to Right: Clarence Hastings & Eva P. Winter, R.A. Gordon Hastings & Mary A. Hastings, Sarah E. Hastings, Hugh Hastings & Elenore Reichert at Rouleau, Saskatchewan in 1906
Family of Adam Munroe Ballard and Emma Jane Baker
Family of Adam Munroe Ballard and Emma Jane Baker
Status: Located; Back row:
Arthur Ballard, Royal Ballard, Leslie Ballard

Front row:
Adam Ballard, Emma Jane Baker, Adella Ballard, Lettie May Ballard
Owner of original:
Family of Adolph Peterson and Bertha Thorvaldsdottir
Family of Adolph Peterson and Bertha Thorvaldsdottir
Ed, Ole, Lawrence, Charlie, Leon, (Adolph in front), Hans, Lenore, Willy (who died soon afterward), (Bertha in front) and Lily.
Family of Albert Cosens and Elizabeth Fisher
Family of Albert Cosens and Elizabeth Fisher
Status: Located; Back row:
Norman, Viola, Albert
Front row:
Albert and Elizabeth
Owner of original:
Family of Alvin Wurm and Margaret Clark 1940
Family of Alvin Wurm and Margaret Clark 1940
Status: Located; Back row: Living, Edgar, Grace, Living, Harold, Emma

Front row: Alvin, Living, Gerald, Melvin and Margaret
Owner of original: wurm-hastings
Family of Annie Fisher and Frank Knipe
Family of Annie Fisher and Frank Knipe
Status: Located; Back row:
Henry, Russ, Emerson, John Wesley, Abner
Front row:
Sarah, Adeline, Frank, Elizabeth, Annie
Owner of original:
Family of Charles Schreiber and Elizabeth Weiser
Family of Charles Schreiber and Elizabeth Weiser
Status: Located;
Owner of original:
Family of Christina Peterson and Thomas Powell about 1901
Family of Christina Peterson and Thomas Powell about 1901
Margaret is on father's knee. Mary is on mother's knee.
Owner of original: Jan van der Borg
Family of Conrad Fisher Junior and Caroline Riehl
Family of Conrad Fisher Junior and Caroline Riehl
Back row: Margaret, Lydia, Lizzie and Tillie

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