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401 |
 | Family of Daniel and Catharine Wurm Status: Located; Seated: Fred Wurm, Catharine, Daniel Wurm
Standing: John Wurm, Matthew Wurm, Elizabeth Wurm and Daniel Wurm
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
402 |
 | Family of Daniel Wurm and Maria Catherine "Molly" Peter back row: Lavina Wurm, Daniel Wurm Jr (?), Otto Wurm
front row: Daniel Wurm, Maria Catherine "Molly" Peter Wurm, William Wurm (?)
403 |
 | Family of Dominick Mathias and Theresia Weber Status: Located; Back row: William & Edward
Middle row: Elizabeth, Mary, Florence, Katherine, Charles
Front row: Theresia, Harry, Dominick, Nicholas
404 |
 | Family of Ed Rivers and Mary Goulah. Photo taken on the day of Grampa Simon Goulah's funeral, Easter 1948 or 1949. Standing left to right - Bill, Simon, Clifford, Monica, Edward, Don, Earl. Sitting left to right - Mary (mother), Emma, Marilyn, Anne, Ed Rivers Sr.
405 |
 | Family of Flora Ballard and Charles Weber Status: Located;
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
406 |
 | Family of Gabriel and Magdalena Holtzman Status: Located;
407 |
 | Family of Garrison Ray Ballard and Bessie Larson Status: Located; Children left to right are:
Florence, Mable and Hazel Ballard
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
408 |
 | Family of George Heinrich "Henry" and Elizabeth (Deitrich) Reidt Circa 1895 - 1900
Back Row – Sarah, (John )Henry, Clara, Charlie, Katherine, Adam
Front Row – George, Henry, Mary, Christina, Elizabeth
Sitting in Front - Estelle
409 |
 | Family of George Metzger and Margaret Feick Status: Located;
410 |
 | Family of George METZGER and Margaret FEICK about 1890 Status: Located;
411 |
 | Family of George Orth Status: Located;
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
412 |
 | Family of Henry Wurm and Catherine Zeller about 1885 Status: Located; Front row:
Edmund, Henry, William, Catherine, Jacob, with Louise in front of William
Back row:
Mary "Mae", Lovina, Anna, Emily, Bertha
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
413 |
 | Family of Henry Wurm and Catherine Zeller about 1893 Status: Located; Back row left to right:
Lovina, Edmund, Anna, William, Jacob
Front row:
Louise, Henry, Mary "Mae", Emily, Bertha, Catherine
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
414 |
 | Family of John S. Baker Parents seated: John S. Baker and Hannah Maria (South) Baker. Children (back row, left to right): George, Lucy, and Mary Helen. Children (front row, left to right): Florence Ansley and Ella Delora. Photo taken at the photography studio of Olson & Anderson, in Montevideo, Minnesota.
415 |
 | Family of John Sohrt and Matilda Ploethner Status: Located; Children are (left to right):
Margaret, Helen, Herb
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
416 |
 | Family of John Sohrt and Matilda Ploethner Left to right: Believed to be John Sohrt, Herbert Sohrt, Margaret Sohrt and Matilda Ploethner. Based on the age that the children appear to be, this photo was likely taken about 1909.
417 |
 | Family of Lavina Hallman and Christian Horne Status: Located; Back row: Viola, Wilf, Della, Mabel, Irene
Front row: Lavina, Verna, Chris
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
418 |
 | Family of Lorenzo Dow Ballard and Martha Ciperlie Status: Located; Who's who in this picture has been determined via process of elimination considering ages of children.
There may be several errors. Three family members are not present in this photo.
Back row left to right:
Mary Alice Ballard, Martha Ciperlie, Jennie Blanche Ballard, Harry Leonard Ballard, Garrison Ray Ballard.
Front row:
Eunice Ballard, Wesley Munroe Ballard, Effie Dollie Ballard, Lorenzo Dow Ballard, Inez Pearl Ballard, David Lorenzo Ballard
Owner of original: wurm-hastings.com
419 |
 | Family of Lornts Reitlo Back left Olaf Reitlo. Back right Harald Reitlo.
Front row - Lornts Reitlo, Louise Reitlo, Marie Benson.
420 |
 | Family of Louis and Elizabeth Weber Status: Located;