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Kenneth W. Wolf
Kenneth W. Wolf
Knipe brothers
Knipe brothers
Status: Located; Left to right:
Emmerson Knipe, Ab Knipe and Milton Knipe
Owner of original:
Place: Listowel, Ontario
Status: Located; Left to right:
Adeline Knipe, Liz Knipe, Sarah Knipe
Owner of original:
Place: Listowel, Ontario
Land owned by Bill Myers in 1919. Claud, Cecil and baby Leon lived here when they first moved to Saskatchewan from North Dakota.
Land owned by Bill Myers in 1919. Claud, Cecil and baby Leon lived here when they first moved to Saskatchewan from North Dakota.
Status: Located; Cecil King in foreground. Bill Myers, Claud Ballard and Clyde King in background. House in foreground is Cecil and Claud's. House in background is Bill Myers'. Baby Leon Ballard was inside sleeping at the time of this photo.
Owner of original:
Land Purchase, Lot 44, Township of Normanby
Land Purchase, Lot 44, Township of Normanby
Status: Located;
Lavina Hallman
Lavina Hallman
Lawrence Adolph Peterson
Lawrence Adolph Peterson
Leah and Leona Wurm about 1917
Leah and Leona Wurm about 1917
Status: Located;
Leah Weber ?
Leah Weber ?
Status: Located;
Leah Weber and daughter Leona Wurm
Leah Weber and daughter Leona Wurm
Leah Weber and daughter Leona Wurm
Leah Weber and daughter Leona Wurm
Leah Weber and two sisters 1932
Leah Weber and two sisters 1932
This photo was labeled 1932. The year would refer to either the date of the photo or the year of the car in the photo. That the women are sisters is an assumption based on appearance and age. Leah had two sisters still living in 1932: Mary Ann Ackerman and Elizabeth Ann Neuber.
Leah Weber and two sisters.
Leah Weber and two sisters.
From the clothing worn, we can assume that the photo was taken on the same day as this one. Same assumption is made regarding relationship of the three women.
Leah Weber visiting relatives
Leah Weber visiting relatives
Lee and family taken in Denver
Lee and family taken in Denver
Dated 11/5/09. Sent by H.K. Eilber to Mr W.H. Gaiser, Crediton, Ontario. This postcard photo is from the collection of Lulu O. Gaiser from Crediton, Ontario. Having reviewed my database, I believe that "Lee" is Levi Gaiser (b.1865 Stephen Township, Ontario, d.1930 Denver, Colorado)
Leeland Surerus and his dog, Sandy
Leeland Surerus and his dog, Sandy
Status: Located; Photo taken at Zurich, Ontario
Lein Family about 1905
Lein Family about 1905
Status: Located; The girl on the left is Katharina Lein at age 13.

The woman sitting next to her is her mother Elisabeth (Lein) Erb (aged 39) holding her little brother Heinrich Lein (aged 1).

The man standing in the middle is her father Adam Lein (aged 46) and the older man is her grandfather Alexander Lein (aged 77).

The boy on the right is Katharina's brother Otto Lein (aged 9).
Lena Kaercher
Lena Kaercher
Leon and Ina (Olson) Ballard with great grandchildren - October 1991
Leon and Ina (Olson) Ballard with great grandchildren - October 1991
Status: Located;
Leon Ballard and Gene King
Leon Ballard and Gene King
Status: Located;

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