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Ernest William Hastings

Male 1866 - 1906  (40 years)

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  • Name Ernest William Hastings 
    Born 1866  Parkhill, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Died 31 Dec 1906  Brule, Nebraska Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Buried Parkhill Union Cemetery, McGillivary, Middlesex, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I02461  All
    Last Modified 5 Jan 2010 

    Father William Hastings,   b. 10 Sep 1834, Markham Township, York County, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 23 Mar 1908, Parkhill, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 73 years) 
    Mother Anna Jean Garrett,   b. 1842, Buffalo, Erie County, New York Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 18 Feb 1874, Parkhill, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 32 years) 
    Married 1860  Buffalo, Erie County, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F0122  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 1866 - Parkhill, Ontario Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 31 Dec 1906 - Brule, Nebraska Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Notes  Died:

      UNION PACIFIC FLIERS CRASH.; New York Actor Killed and 13 Passengers Hurt, 2 Fatally.

      Special to The New York Times.
      January 4, 1907, Friday
      Page 1, 465 words

      OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 3. -- The famous Overland Limited and Los Angeles Limited trains on the Union Pacific Railroad came together in a rear-end collision at Brule, Neb., last night, killing E.W. Hastings of New York, fatally injuring two other passengers, injuring more or less badly eleven passengers and wrecking eleven cars and one locomotive.

      The Overland, nearly ten hours late, was running only ten minutes ahead of the Los Angeles Limited, which was seven hours late. Both are scheduled to go through Brule at sixty miles an hour, but when the Overland came in sight of that station it was seen that the "order" signal was in place, and the train stopped for orders. The flagman was sent back the required 400 yards, and remained in place until recalled, when he lighted a "fusee" and left it burning beside the track.

      Just as the Overland started, and was running four miles an hour, the Los Angeles swept around a curve and was unable to stop before reaching the Overland. The fusee had been hidden by a hill. At almost full speed the Los Angeles struck the observation car on the Overland and plowed half through it.

      W. H. Thacher of Dubuque, Iowa, who was in the car, said: "I was sitting in a chair at about the middle of the observation car, looking toward the rear. Suddenly a headlight appeared up the track, possibly 200 feet away. At once I realized that it was on an engine, and that the engine was coming at a good rate of speed. With the cry 'Look out!' I ran to the front end of the car. The other men evidently saw it at about the same time, for all started to run.

      "When the oncoming locomotive struck us, I was thrown to one side, and when I recovered there was the engine, with steam hissing from a hundred places, right in the centre of the car. The floor of the car was crushed down, the roof lifted off and thrown to one side, and every light was out. Only the red glare of the fire from the locomotive lighted us, and cries of the wounded on every side added to the terror of the moment."

      E. W. Hastings, who was killed in the wreck of the Union Pacific Overland Limited, was an actor well known in this city. He was returning to New York from Portland, Ore., where he had played for some time with a stock company. Hastings was a member of the Lambs' Club, the Players Club, and the Actors' Society of America. He was a brother of Cuyler Hastings, a well-known New York leading man.

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