History of Modum Parish - Volume 4
Volume 4 includes reference to the Holo farm and reference to Tore Olson, brother of Bertil Olson Skretteberg.
It states: "Bruk 5 m. fl." (meaning:"plot #5 and others"). Reference of 10, 26, 72 & 83 is undetermined. It could be the numbers for other farms in the area, as Holo was listed as farm #51. Meaning of "sk. M. 3.45" is also undetermined. The previous or first volume may explain what these abbreviations stand for.
It then states this "plot" is a continuation of Peter Gulbrandsson`s part "of his farm":
This plot was owned in 1875 by Tore Olson (born 1818 at Nykirke), married to Kjersti Klausdatter (born 1821 in Sigdal). It was sold in 1896 to Svein Wassend, and in 1925 it was taken over by his son Toralv Wassend (born 1897). The plot was operated by rotating crops, with six milkcows, calves, pigs and chickens and one horse.
In 1931 he (Toralv) started a small sawmill and circular saw, which in 1936 was expanded with a planing mill. The plot was transferred from the farm to Holobråten simultaneously as (Toralv) Wassend established a sawmill at Vassbund so he could get his timber from the waterway. Later the plots were amalgamated back together again and were transferred to the (town?) of Åmot.
It also states for plot #6 that Tore Olson and Nils Petersson owned this plot in 1886. It was taken over by Hans Håve, who farmed it until his death in 1941, and thereafter by his wife, Anne Håve, born at Holo in 1878. The owner in 1965 was Andreas Haare.
There is not much for detail here when it comes to naming the people who lived on the farms and what happened to them or if they had children, etc. It is not even mentioned what farms Tore and his wife Kjersti were born on, just giving us the parishes where they were from. So not much personal info, but we know Tore owned plot #5 and part of #6. Anne Håve is Tore`s granddaughter. She is the daughter of Karoline Toresdotter and Knut Pettersson and she married Hans Håve in 1900.