A Dream of Uncle M. Fielder
Of all the dreams I ever dreamed
This one took the cake
I stamped, I kicked, I rolled, I cursed,
But still I would not wake.
I thought our great and mighty God
Had weakened so to speak
And I was left alone on earth
To fight this monster freak.
My boy, I thought,
I'll do my best if only one arm I've got
And the bastard made a lunge at me
Where I'm not.
Again I thought I must wake up
But this I could not do,
So I let a beller out of me
That made this thing turn blue.
At last, at last, I am awake
I had a damn good scare.
I'd rather go to hell and back
Than meet this freak nite mare.
Marion Emil Fielder (1884 - 1959)