Halvor Pedersen
[Red bolded font is the translation.]
FORM 686 - From Hadeland lag records
Registreringsskjema for Emigranter til Amerika og Canada fra Hadeland
Hadeland Immigrant Identification FormEmigrantenes navn, fødested og fødselsdato Emigrant's name, place of birth and date of birth:
Halvor Pedersen, (Halvor Velta) (Albert Pedersen), f. 2.4.1836 på Gulliksrud i Gran. Born at Gulliksud farm in Gran parish on April 2, 1836.Hvor reiste de fra: Where did they leave from:
Når omtrent utvandret de: When approximately did they emigrate:
Halvor utv. attest til Faaberg 7.5.1855. til Amerika ………… Halvor moved with refferences (certificate) to Fåberg parish (Oppland county) on May 7, 1855. To America .............Steder de bosatte seg Places they lived :
Halvor bodde mange steder i N. Dak. og Canada Lived in numerous places in North Dakota and Canada. Tok seg land i Cavalier co., N. Dak Settled in Cavalier County, North Dakota.Hva livnærte de seg av : How did they make a living:
Fangstmann for Hudson Bay Company i Canada, leder for karavaner som kjørte pelsvarer fra Winnipeg til Fort Snelling Minn. Her var han eneste hvite mann som skulle holde styr på opptil 30 ville indianere Halvor hadde kjempekrefter, og det går store ord om hans bravader i Amerika, ikke alle like lovlydige. Hunter/trapper for the Hudson Bay Company in Canada, was a guide for caravans who hauled hides or skins from Winnipeg to Fort Snelling, Minnesota. Here, he was the only white man who kept track of as many as 30 savage Indians. Halvor was a man with great strength, and there are great stories about his bravado in America, not all were exactly law abiding.Andre opplysninger Other details:
Halvor skiftet navn til Albert Pederson, og giftet seg med en halvblods indianerjente som også var halv fransk. Halvor changed his name to Albert Pederson and married a woman who was half Indian and half French. De fikk flere barn som også har hatt flere embeter i Cavalier Co. N.Dak. They had many children who also have had several office (government) positions in Cavalier County, North Dakota.Halvors foreldre Halvor's parents :
Peder Guldbrandsen Gulliksrud og Siri Halvorsdtr.
Halvor døde i Statsfengslet i Bismarck, i N. Dak. i 1912 der han sonet livsvarig dom for å ha drept sin hustru. Halvor died in state prison in North Dakota in 1912, where he was serving a life sentence for having killed his wife.
Andre familiemedlemmer som har emigrert Other family who have emigrated :
Broren Ole, f. 07.09.1833, utv. attest til Sørum 16.1.1864, til Amerika ……………… Ole bosatte seg som farmer i nærheten av Vang postoffice i Cavalier Co., N. Dak. Også han var en kar med kjempekrefter. ** His brother Ole, born 7 September 1833 and moved with refferences (certificate) to Sørum parish (Akershus county) on 16 Jan 1864, to America ............. Ole settled down as a farmer in the vicinity of Vang post office in Cavalier County, North Dakota. Also he was a man of great strength.
Søsteren Kjerstine, f. 29.07.1839 på Gulliksrud, gift i Christiania 1861 med konstabel Ole Kristiansen, f. på Smalgangen, Østre Toten, de utv. ………………………. His sister, Kjerstine, born 29 July 1839 on the farm Gulliksrud, married in Christiania (Oslo) in 1861 to Policeman Ole Kristiansen, who was born at Smalgangen, Østre Toten, they emigrated ............... They settled in the state of Missouri. De slo seg ned i staten Missouri. They settled in the state of Missouri.
Opplysningene er fra Source of Details:
Brua for 1939 side 39, ” En Hadelands Viking” skrevet av Peder Nelson. The Bridge for 1939 "A Hadelands Viking" written by Peder Nelson.
Se også Årbok for Hadeland 1981 der artikkelen også er inntatt. See also the yearbook for farm 1981 where the article has also been taken.
Kontaktforum Emigrant Identification Project
ISSN 2151-223X
© 2009 Hadeland Lag of America, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
The section on "when did they emigrate" (to America) is left blank, as it seems there was yet to have been found a record of Halvor, Ole and Kjertine`s journey overseas. From the ship passenger record, we now know that the families of Ole and of Kjertine left the city of Christiania (the name for Oslo, Norway at that time) on April 29, 1868 on the ship "Victoria" and arrived in Quebec on July 16, 1868. As we know that Halvor met his wife in Canada and the their eldest child was born in 1861, we believe that Halvor was the first of the three siblings to make the trip to the new country.
This account states that Halvor moved to Fåberg parish on May 7, 1855. Record from the Gran parish record of Halvor leaving Gran parish to Fåberg parish, Oppland county states that this took place on April 7, 1855.
Regarding making a living: "Fangstmann" in Norway means sealer or whaler. It is not clear if, in Manitoba for the Hudson Bay Company, Halvor was dealing with whales or seals (or beaver pelts, etc.).
Regarding Halvor`s children,"Embeter" means office, government positions. This may mean that additional records regarding this family are available.
Note about Ole Kristiansen, this account states that he was born at Smalgangen, Østre Toten parish, (Oppland county) . Smalgangen is a street in Oslo and has no connection to Østre Toten, as is evident in his marriage record.