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Retirement Party 1914


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holman Recipients of Gifts from G. T. R. Associates.


Program Rendered at Mr. Holman's Residence, and Supper Given at the Sparta

After forty-one years' faithful service with the Grand Trunk, during which time he has seen many important changes in local railway circles, Mr. Joseph Holman, who retired on a pension over four weeks ago, was pleasantly remembered by his former fellow-employees in the bridge and building department of the Stratford division, having been enjoyably banquetted at the Sparta restaurant on Saturday night, after having been presented with a pair of handsome rockers at his home, 264 Brunswick street. The presentation was made in the midst of an enjoyable program, presided over by Mr. Chas. Forrester, division superintendent, during which Mr. and Mrs. Holman were recipients of many good wishes. The address was read by Mr. J. Spencer, while Mrs. Spencer and Mr. G. Leinweber presented the give. Addresses by Messrs. Forrester, W. Cayley, W. Wharry were also features, while musical selections were given by Miss Grace Cayley, Mrs. Roy Hodgins, Miss Walker, and Messrs. F. Deakin, Nicholson and Walker. At the Sparta a tasty fowl supper was enjoyed, while the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" wound up the evening.

Mr. Holman was first employed by the company as timber inspector under the old engineering department and later in the bridge and building department, of which he was appointed foreman. He was one of the oldest and best liked officials of the local staff and travellers and friends, of which he has many, will in future miss his kindly figure and cheerful face, so often seen about the station.

File nameHolmanFJBanquetRetire.jpg
File Size721.83k
Dimensions490 x 1556
Linked toCatherine Craig; Frederick Joseph Holman

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