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Harrison Clayton Hobart
Fairchild Native New Assistant Labor Secretary
Leader & Telegram News
A former Fairchild man, Harrison Clayton Hobart, became Assistant Secretary of Labor Monday.
Hobart, assistant grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at Cleveland, Ohio, was sworn in to his new office at Washington, D.C. He will assist Secretary of Labor Martin Durkin.
An officer in his union since 1915, Hobart was granted an indefinite leave of absence by the union after it received word of his appointment.
Hobart was born in Fairchild and was graduated from Fairchild High School as the valedictorian of his class. Friends say that Hobart, who was born on a farm, was healthy, energetic, athletic, ambitious and very much interested in life.
He was recommended for his new office by the late grand chief of his union, James P. Shields. Another railroad union leader commented, “Hobart’s selection is a tribute not only to the whole segment of railroad labor in this country but also to the memory and stature of James P. Shields. The appointment highlights the fact that Americans can make their best contributions as individuals and not as a mass or class. This nomination is not the result of pressure.
“IT IS recognition of men who individually bear responsibilities measured in thousands of t?n miles and passengers lives.”
Illness and the intense heat prevented Hobart’s three sisters and other relatives from attending the swearing in ceremony.
His sisters are Mrs. Rudy Bahr, Fairchild postmaster; Mrs. Alvin Pettis, Fairchild; and Mrs. Louis Aylsworth, Devils Lake, N.D.
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