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Marriage record of Kristine Petersdotter and Ole Kristiansson
The wedding record for Kristine Petersdotter and Ole Kristiansson indicates that they were married in the Grønland parish church, in the city of Oslo (Christiania) on November 10, 1861. On the left side of the page, entry #32 states:
November 10, 1861 married were "ungkar" (bachelor) and " konstabel" (policeman) Ole Kristiansson and "pike" (maiden/never married) Kristine Petersdotter of Smalgangen (This likely refers to Smalgangen street in Oslo, Norway.) Ole was born in Østre Toten parish, in Oppland county and his place of residence was in the Vaterland district, in Oslo (the same area as Smalgangen). Kristine was born in Gran parish, Oppland county. The groom's age is listed as 36 years and the bride`s age is listed as 22 years.
The groom's father is Kristian Petersson. The bride's father is Peter Gulbrandsson.
The best men (sponsors) were Andreas Olson and Engebret Evensson.
The dates of public announcements were on October 20, 27 and November 3, 1861 and the groom requested these public announcements.
Both bride and groom have been vaccinated for smallpox.
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