Letter from Martha Gaiser to brother Adam Gaiser
Undated letter written in English by Martha to brother, Adam likely in the 1890s.
Dear Brother Ad
It is a long time since I have wrote to you so I thought I would drop you a few lines to let you know how I am getting along. I am quite well. Hoping these few lines will find you the same. I often wonder why you don’t write more. I am sure I would answer your letter if you would write. Father received your last letter and he was glad to hear from you. He isn’t hardly able to write himself any more although he did try to write you a few lines. His memory is getting bad and he is shaky too. He said he didn’t think he would be able to write anymore so you will have to excuse him. Well Ad, it keeps me busy since father is poorly. I have to do everything now. We have already sold the cow to Jack but he is only going to take her this fall so we will have the use of her this summer yet. Jack is busy working his farm. Him and Will work their places together. It keeps them busy. Yesterday we had a large funeral in Crediton. Mrs. Charles Brown was buried. It is terrible how the old people are going. Mr. Kuhn died lately and also Jacob Finkbeiner and Mrs. George Brown and old Mr. Clark. They all died in a short time. Such is life. You were saying so many of your chickens die. Give them whole Black pepper and dip bread in wine and give it to them. That is what Mother used to give them. Then, with these few remarks I must close sending my love to you and Lou and kisses for the children. I’ll remain,
Your Sister Miss Martha Gaiser